Dates and venues:
October 7-9, 2019
International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (
Keynote speakers:
Rivka Weinberg (Scripps College)
Yujin Nagasawa (University of Birmingham)
Thaddeus Metz (University of Johannesburg)
Time for presentation:
40 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion).
Official language:
Potential topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Philosophical approaches to meaning in/of life
* Meaning of life and death
* Anti-natalism and nihilism
* Procreation
* Metaphysical, spiritual, and religious implications of meaning of/in life theories
* Meaning in/of life in applied ethics, bioethics, and environmental ethics
* Meaning in/of life in various philosophical traditions (Analytic, Continental, Asian, African, Latin American, Islamic etc.)
Tentative Program:
October 7
9:15- Registration
10:00-11:50 Keynote speeches
Yujin Nagasawa
Rivka Weinberg
11:50-13:10 Lunch
Presentations by participants
October 8
Presentations by participants
11:40-13:10 Lunch
Keynote speech
Thaddeus Metz
Presentations by participants
October 9
Presentations by participants
11:40-13:10 Lunch
Presentations by participants
> Detailed program (list of speakers)
Registration is required.
> Registration page.
No registration/participation fee is required.
Speakers are encouraged to submit their papers for publication in the special issue of the Journal of Philosophy of Life (Vol.10, No.1, 2020). Dealine: January/February 2020.
Related websites:
Website of the International Conference on Philosophy and Meaning in Life
First International Conference on Philosophy and Meaning in Life 2018
Conference organizers 2018-2019:
Nobuo Kurata (Hokkaido University)
Thaddeus Metz (University of Johannesburg)
Masahiro Morioka (Waseda University)*
Tatsuya Murayama (Tohoku University)
* Chair of the 2019 conference
Financial Support:
Waseda Intitute of Life and Death Studies, Waseda University
Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University

Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University

KAKENHI: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
